Familius, LLC
Dear Santa, Love, Texas
A different kind of Christmas book, complete with pull-out cards and letters featuring state symbols, animals, and landmarks! On the night before Christmas, Santa mounted his sleigh. The presents were packed; Time to be underway! The night air was chilly, the hour was lateβ When a letter came in from a faraway state. Santa is all ready to leave on Christmas Eve, but last-minute letters are arriving from Texas! From a little girl who is wishing for snow, to a bluebonnet, Guadalupe bass, and mockingbird all looking for a bit more attention, to the bears asking the reindeer for a play date, each letter contains a humorous request that gets even Santa chuckling. Even better, each letter comes tucked in its own pocket envelope with other delightful extras like cards, money for toll roads, and even a map of Texas! How will Santa respond? It's Texas Christmas magic you'll have to see! *Hardcover with novelty parts*